Thursday, February 28, 2013

Broken. Damaged. Hurt. He lied to me, he doesn't know that I know he was lying. I don't know if I am strong enough to confront him about it because that one moment may change my life.
What if...This is the worst phrase to have running through your head,What if it's not something small..What if it's not something dumb.. What if I lose him..What if I can't forgive..What if I can't forget..What if it breaks us..What if it breaks me..The list of what if's just goes on, it keeps me up at night. I can't even look at him. Talk to him, touch him. Do you know how hard it is to not be able to touch someone you love so much. 
That one lie took so much from me, from us.
Losing the safe feeling he always gave me, the happiness being with him brought me. 
So much lost in one moment,.
I don't know what to say or do. I don't know how to look at him and act like nothing is wrong but I don't know how to confront him. I am not ready to take the chance that it is more than it could be. 
What if I'm wrong
What if I'm right

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