Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So for the last couple of years Gilmore Girls has been my comfort show. i started watching many years ago and I have loved it forever. and now i can't cause it reminds me of him. he took away my comfort my safe zone. and now i don't have anything left. he was my best friend and now nothing. i don't have a best friend anymore. it's not fair.and while i know life isn't fair this should be to some point. i broke up with him in oct and he fought long and hard to keep me. and i decided to try again to jump back into us with both feet and now it's just over. over. such a small word that means so much. the last time we talked on the phone all he kept saying was that he couldn't deal with this right now. and now nothing. so i am saying that whatever we had is over. we were together almost 8 years. planning a wedding and now i have a very sad looking ring that i can't wear, i can't even look at the damn thing.

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