Monday, January 19, 2009

Hate is such a strong word and it's not something I thought he could ever make me feel. But it's the only thing i feel anymore. Hate. All I do is cry anymore. and I hate crying. He kept saying that he didn't want to keep paying for leaving me but all he did was leave me. it didn't matter if it was emotionaly or physcialy. he just never stopped and now it's over for good. Now i am trying to find closure. I closed my myspace page and my facebook page. I took him off my messanger list and out of my cell phone. and I miss him. his voice his face. just knowing i can call and chat. he has been my best friend for over 7 years and now nothing. i'm just not dealing well with this. i miss my best friend. he's just gone and i don't know what to do. i don't know what to do with my time cause i can't keep crying. i just hate him for making me feel this way. i just want to yell at him and tell him how much he hurt me and i can't. i won't let myself call or message or text or even write an e-mail. so this i get to write here cause i know he won't read it and i need to have some pride even if it is make belive. i guess pretend is better then nothing and for now it's all i have.


  1. I so know how you feel. Seems like all I ever do anymore is cry. I cried off and on all weekend long. I cried yesterday and last night, and I am sobbing profusely right now.

  2. I don't know about you but i hate crying. I can't stand it. and right now the littlest thing sets me off. I'm sorry you're crying.
