Sunday, October 31, 2010

I just don't care anymore. it's fine that he doesn't want me. i can deal with that. and why should i end a wonderful relationship just because of sex, lack of and lack of interest. Why should it matter if there is no passion or heat romance that's not all a relationship is. it's ok that he doesn't think I'm pretty or enjoy touching me. he's still with me and that is what matters. right? not a big deal that he doesn't share with me anymore. it's fine that he doesn't kiss me or touch me. fine that he doesn't flirt with me. someone please tell me I'm right. it's starting to get to the point where i dread going to bed. hate the thought of getting turned down when i touch him or worse yet having him roll over and go to sleep without even telling me good night or kissing me before he falls asleep... I'm sure I'll get used to it and won't miss it anymore. I'm almost there but sometimes it's hard. when we go somewhere and i see other couples kissing and touching and you can just feel the love it makes me want to cry and i hate crying so i just turn my head and pretend that I'm fine and maybe one day i will be...

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