Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ok so he's sweet and nice and I like him. Notice anything wrong with that statement? I do! I don't feel enough for him. I don't do soft. I really like that he's nice but i need some feelings or emotion. Some passion. Oh god I need some decent sex. I really miss sex. Well sex that was more then put hand here and insert tab a into slot b. So not working for me. I hate that he's nice. Nice is killing me. I really want to feel more for him. He's almost perfect for me except for the sex and I kinda need that intimacy. And he talks about everything. I know more about his ex's and there are many of them, then I ever wanted to. For only knowing him two months I know more then I would of needed to in years. And while I appreciate that he talks about things I'm not used to talking about everything. And I do mean everything. From cars and trucks to his sex life with his ex wife. I mean do I really need to know all of that NO I don't. But I can't just say that because I made the first mistake of telling him it wasn't a big deal and I could deal with it. Boy was I wrong.

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